Category Archives: develop screen frame, developing a screen

Exposing and Developing Screens 101A

Developing a screenExposing and Developing a Screen Frame  follows Part 1 (of a 5 part series), Coating Screens 101A from RhinoTech. In this step-by-step tutorial, you will learn how to master an essential  step in in screen printing.

The exposure system used in the demo is a BL1620 Exposure Unit w/UV Black lights. It has a simple on/off switch. You just have to add a timer system; we use the timer on our phones.


The first step is to have your artwork ready. As you can see, we printed our artwork onto RhinoJet Film Positive Material using an Epson 1430. We used this water-proof clear film material because it provides a very dense film positive helping to ensure that no light will penetrate the blacked out area.

Next, position the film positive material onto the Exposure System.

Then, position the previously coated screen frame over the film positive (from the video Coating Screens 101A).

Add a pressure plate to ensure good contact. We use one that is made of melamine board with foam (foam side down) to ensure that the film is tight against the screen. We also add a few gallons of RhinoMite adhesive to secure it even more.

Turn Exposure System on.

We know that it will take a 4-minute exposure, because of previous test results. So…always test with a film positive that has been pre-made for you using different filters. This will help you narrow down variables due to type of Exposure System and type of emulsion you’re using.

Once the screen is exposed, retrieve the screen frame and get ready to begin the Developing Process.


The first step in the DEVELOPING PROCESS is to move to the RhinoClean Washout Booth. Place screen in the booth and wet screen on both sides.

Next, set Pressure Washer to wide fan with low pressure (easily done with the RS 1500A) and with a smooth motion, continue to wash frame – notice we’re working on the non-squeegee side of frame. Be sure to flip frame and continue washing the other side.

Watch the design appear.

And, that’s it. You’ve just observed how easy it is to Expose and Develop a Screen Frame.

Let screen dry before you begin the Blocking Out process. And, because there are a few ways to do that, please watch for Part 3 in the series, Blocking out a Screen Frame 101A.

Thanks for watching the easiest way to Expose and Develop a Screen Frame from RhinoTech. If you need more info and have questions, please contact us at 651-686-5027 x 4, We look forward to working with you.

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